Sunday, May 11, 2014

Decor Ideas - Flower-less Bouquets

Roses, tulips, peonies or anemones? Do not limit the design of your wedding bouquet to just flowers. A trend that has developed in the past few years are flower-less bouquets. Using buttons, jewelry, broaches, fabric, paper or other pretty items to create your bouquet has many pluses, other than looking gorgeous.

1.The bouquet allows for the personal experience of creating the bouquet that you will carry down the aisle. You know the choices behind each design choice and have more opportunity to add personal pieces.

2.The most obvious benefit, and maybe the best, is that it will last much longer than a day or two. Keep your bouquet and use it as a unique design piece in your home or save it for your daughter to carry years later.

3.Although there are so many options of flowers that exist, they are limited during seasons. Using alternative materials removes the limits placed upon you with flowers. Using paper or fabric, you can even replicate certain flowers that may not be in season during your wedding.

Here are some bouquets for inspiration:

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